The Osteopaths Bude offer Osteopathy & Medical Acupuncture in Bude, North Cornwall. We aim to provide the very best Osteopathic & Acupuncture care for a range of aches, pains and minor sports injuries. ” We always endeavour to go that extra mile for our clients, offering as much support as they need.”
take the first positive step to complete care by calling Mike 07808 131046 or Lucy on 07707 042375 for Osteopathy & Acupuncture
Over 30,000 people every day visit an osteopath suffering from a variety of conditions including mechanical neck and back pain, joint and muscular pain, minor sports injuries, recurring cervicogenic headaches and more. Many patients are pregnant mothers, unsettled children, or those with work strain, or pain and stiffness related to advancing years.
“The combination of Osteopathy and exercise was awarded the best care for lower back pain by the British Medical Council”
Contact Us
Contact Mike
Tel: 07808 131046
Contact Lucy
Tel: 07707 042375
Mechanical Back & Neck Pain, Muscle & Joint Pain, Minor Sports Injuries, Frozen Shoulder, Cervicogenic Headaches, Sciatica & Trapped Nerves, Arthritic Pain, Postural Imbalances & Reduced Mobility
Our aims as Osteopaths is simple. We are am here to help you lead a healthy pain free life and ensure you have the strength, flexibility and condition to enjoy life to your fullest potential. Your health goals are our endeavour; so if you are in pain, frustrated at your lack of condition or need professional, honest and informative advice then please call to discuss how I can help.
Take the first positive step to complete care by calling 07808 131046